"To the Infinite Becoming"
Welcome to the Summer's celebration of personal mystical art! Drawing upon dreams, meditations, religion, nature, and more: a full evening's presentation of an amazing variety of original paintings, poetry, story, and song by many local spiritual artists. A rare opportunity to find inspiration and to network with fellow seekers who have something transcendent to say with their creativity!
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Cambridge Swedenborg Chapel, 50 Quincy St. Cambridge, MA.
This a lovely Gothic stone chapel across from Harvard's Sanders Theatre (Memorial Hall) in Harvard Square. Not wheelchair accessible yet, sorry.
 • For full directions, click here.
Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 7pm-9:30pm
(your $5-$10 sliding scale admission will help defray many costs)
Two approximately 45-minute segments of performer presentations, about ten minutes per performer, with a twenty minute break in between around 8pm. Paintings and drawings with artist statements displayed on the walls. Refreshments and reception to follow; book signings, postcards, information sharing, and more!
• schedule now forming
• if you're an interested artist see our guidelines
Poetry Sheri Espar, Jane Spickett
Song Suzanne Clark (singer/songwriter with backup band), Deanna Paquet (singer), Becky Williams (singer/songwriter)
Demo/Talk Eugene Taylor (Harvard lecturer on consciousness studies)
Storytelling Claude Leboeuf (reflections on Johnny Appleseed)
Reading Kevin Johnson (new spiritual parables)
Visual Art Yuko Adachi, Ilani D'Alfonso, Deb Barret, Duncan Chrystal, Sheri Espar, Susan Frances, Andy Gmür, Ngauang Jordan (Tibetan thanka teacher), SeRaiel Mantle, Carl Schroeder, Marianne Snow, Jane Spickett, Howard Wheaton
The Cambridge Swedenborg Chapel
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