"The Mystical Art and Talent Show: 2005!"
The unique Soul Stirring mystical variety shows continue to give hope for a future of diversity in inspiration. Drawing upon dreams, meditations, religion, nature, and more: a full evening's presentation of an amazing variety of original paintings, stories, theatre, and song by many local spiritual artists. Join us for a rare opportunity to find inspiration and friendship with fellow seekers who have something transcendent to say with their creativity!
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Cambridge Swedenborg Chapel, 50 Quincy St. Cambridge, MA.
This a lovely Gothic stone chapel across from Harvard's Sanders Theatre (Memorial Hall) in Harvard Square. Not wheelchair accessible yet, sorry.
 • For full directions, click here.
Saturday, October 1, 2005 at 7pm-9:30pm
(your $5-$10 sliding scale admission will help defray many costs)

Two approximately 45-minute segments of performer presentations, about ten minutes per performer, with a twenty minute break in between around 8pm. Paintings and drawings with artist statements displayed on the walls. Refreshments and reception to follow; book signings, postcards, information sharing, and more!
• Scheduled so far, order of appearance to be determined
• see Guidelines if interested in presenting
Song Beth Ashton (singer/songwriter) , Improvelocity (improvisational instrumental/vocal performance troupe) , De Luna (peace music with harp/flute) , Rami (healing chant with multiphonic voice) , Sharon Linnea Smith (singing the galactic lullaby) , Michelle Herrera Foster and Michael O'Leary and Ben Sheppard (sound healing)
Theatre/Ritual Elisabeth Ward Taylor (performance art) , Karen Wallen (transformational theatre and sound)
Poetry Rachel Cunningham-Lyons
Visual Art Sean Bertram, Margot Brown, Linda Clave, Carol Dearborn, Deanna Devaney, Margaret Soltysik-Espanola, Gitama Kinigstein, Carla Mattioli, Sharon Linnea Smith, Maria Termini, Betty Wiberg, Brenda Wiberg
The Cambridge Swedenborg Chapel
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